Rock Climbing the Low Countries: Amsterdam with Lex from Friedhats

“Amsterdam is very small and you can cycle everywhere, but still feels a bit like a big international city.”

I first came across Friedhats because its iconic canisters lined the shelves of my local coffee shop, and the sight of coffee in that packaging stuck out to me. So when I was in Amsterdam in 2022, I made a point to visit the Friedhats FUKU Cafe where an Indonesian pour over fueled me for the rest of a busy day exploring the history of the city.

Amsterdam is of course rich in history. On my next visit, though, I’ll be sure to check out some of the restaurants and rock climbing spots that Lex recommends below.

Filter: What do you do for fun around Amsterdam?
Most of the fun I have is centred around climbing for me. Sounds weird being in the flattest place on earth but ok. I do a lot of bouldering. 

If I go outdoors, I have to go to France for example. But there’s good indoors climbing in Amsterdam. 

Besides that I like to eat nice food and drink nice wines and beers. All the usual stuff (:

For wine: Glouglou and Bar Centraal.

For beers and climbing: MONK Noord. Oedipus Brewery. Gollem.

For food: METRO, BAK, Euro Pizza, Rest. Europa, De Goudfazant (next to MONK), Choux, Binnenvisser, Box Sociaal, VRR, FUKU Ramen. Burgermeester for simple burgers.

I like the fact that Amsterdam is very small and you can cycle everywhere, but still feels a bit like a big international city. I like that the north, east, west and south are quite different parts within one city. You can live in the west, and then when you go to the north it’s a very different vibe.

Filter: How did you get into rock climbing?
I started climbing when I was pretty young, like 25 years ago. My neighbour took me once, and I immediately really liked it. 

And I really got into bouldering when I moved to Amsterdam in 2010. I like it because it’s physically challenging, it’s diverse, you can actually do it outside, it’s technical, and can be scary from time to time. 

You can do it alone or with a group of friends. And  for those who need more convincing: It beats going to the gym pumping iron while looking at yourself in the mirror (:

Filter: What does the climbing community look like in Amsterdam?
It’s pretty popular these days. Unlike 10 years ago when the first boulder gym opened in Amsterdam Noord. Now there’s many places. The community feels a bit like coffee actually but maybe a bit less nerdy. 

But I would say it’s pretty welcoming. There are some local competitions, and just a lot of enthusiasm in general about the sport.

Filter: Where’s your go-to bouldering gym?
MONK (noord). This was the first bouldering gym in Amsterdam. So I’m still a loyal climber there. They have another gym in the east of Amsterdam. 

There is actually a pretty big bouldering gym very close to my house (and FUKU) but I still prefer MONK. Also because the location is just so good.

Filter: What are your favorite places to take a friend visiting from out of town?
Depends on the friend I guess (: If he’s into climbing, I would take him/her climbing at Monk in the north of Amsterdam. It’s at a great location on the water and there’s good food and wines/beers around. And it goes til late. If he or she is not into climbing I would probably still go there because it’s also pretty good without the climbing. 

Filter: What do you like to do to escape the city?
To escape the city I like to go bouldering in Fontainebleau, France, but that’s a 5-hour drive at least. Good though, completely different world (:

In case I don’t want to go that far: In summertime the beach is not too far away. I usually go somewhere between Zandvoort and Bloemendaal. There’s a bit of mountain-biking in the centre of the Netherlands around a place called Posbank, that I used to go to sometimes. But it’s not really mountains.

I think it’s best to just stay in Amsterdam.

Filter: What well-known things in Amsterdam are actually worth the hype?
If it’s your first time in Amsterdam, the city centre is actually very beautiful. Just stay away from Dam square, and just walk around the 9 Streets. Try to ignore the tourists (:

And the museums are pretty good I think. Stedelijk and Rijksmuseum are worth the visit.

Filter: Where are your favorite hidden gems?
I can’t really tell you that, otherwise they would not be quiet anymore (: Pizza at Bella Storia is probably a hidden gem in my opinion. They have two locations. Both very Italian. 

Filter: What's one other coffee shop there that you really admire?
I don’t really smoke but there’s a coffee shop across the street from FUKU called Risky Business that is supposed to be pretty good. It’s also one of the oldest coffee shops in Amsterdam. And you’re next to FUKU so that’s good.

White Label Coffee
Cafe Kepler
Five Ways 
Rum Baba
NU koffie & delicatessen

Filter: You and your friend Dylan Sedgwick started Friedhats in 2016. What has that been like?
I started Friedhats with Dylan because we wanted to make nice coffee and have fun along the way. I think we’re still doing that.

My role is pretty diverse. I do some roasting, green buying, and emails. But also still spend some time making shots behind the bar at FUKU.

And I spend a lot of time not really knowing what the f*** I’m doing.

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