“Punk rock, but with some structure”: Prague with Zdeněk Hýbl 🇨🇿

Prague feels like a fairytale; it is easy to get lost amid the large old stones which make up the castle, cathedral, and bridge, and the cobblestones everywhere—and you should. But Prague is not only a fairytale; it is a modern city too with everyday pleasures.

Zdeněk Hýbl and his friend Adam created onesip coffee, now with two locations in the Czech Republic’s capital. “Prague is great place to live these days,” Zdeněk says. “It is not that big, it is still quite cheap, very safe, and well located: 2-3 hours drive any direction and you are in different country.”

Zdeněk Hýbl cofounded onesip coffee in Prague, Czech Republic. Photos courtesy of Zdeněk Hýbl

Filter: How did you end up in the Prague coffee scene?

I am Zdenek—just “average Joe” from small town close to Prague, that loves vintage motorcycles, car sh-tboxes such as old Volvos, used [to] throw professionally yo-yos, likes good pizza and bread, and is still obsessed with little brown thing called coffee.

I did not drink coffee till I was like 21-22 years of age, because coffee [to me] was the bitter and tasteless drink. Then I started part-time job in third wave coffee shop during my university studies and fell in love with it. I left uni, opened onesip espresso bar with my long time friend Adam and one [thing] goes to another and I am enjoying it ever since :)

I am co-owner of onesip coffee and still barista (but not that often anymore, sadly).

Filter: Prague is a very old city. What about Prague’s history stands out to you?

Hah, for example for us is normal to live in old house in city center, that is from 16th century, but for someone [else] it could be unimaginable. When America was discovered in 1492 we had the Charles University of Prague for almost 170 years… That long history Prague has. I find it fascinating that we can still use most of the building and Prague is still well preserved even though how rough and cruel history Prague [has] had over all periods.

Filter: What do you like to do for fun around Prague?

Concept of fun for me is a little abstract these days, because I have a very active 5-month-old baby boy, two running businesses, and spare time is very limited.

I am listening a lot of music, all genres… Jazz clubs and Blues clubs are pretty strong in Prague full of very talented musicians like Jazz Dock or U Malého Glena. That would be my jam.

Filter: If a good friend came to visit, where would you be sure to take them?

If I want to be stereotypical, I would say go and drink beer and possibly drink thru night to morning. (It is fact, we as Czechs drink a lot of beer—maybe [that’s why] we call beer “liquid bread”…)

Food scene is getting stronger and stronger, it depends what would be my friend's “cup of coffee,“ but my favorite spot is Nhà hai hành, Vietnamese bistro where you feel like in Vietnam in filthy basement (on purpose) and the food is sooo tasty!

The best Pilsner I would say is in Lokál—traditional Czech cuisine in a way how our grandmas would cook. Proper food!

Filter: What do you like to do to escape the city?

Whenever I have free time I go to the mountains/nature in general, because I am living in the proper heart of Prague, and you can get easily overwhelmed by the busy lifestyle.

The southern part of region that surrounds Prague is very nice… I am enjoying walks by the Vltava River and Slapy dam. Forest paths there are beautiful, you can go easily there by train from Prague main station and it is few minutes away. 

Maybe I’m just getting older, it is more [about] relaxing than fun, haha.

Filter: What touristy things in Prague are worth the hype?

Prague Castle definitely! But go there early in the morning or later in the afternoon when it is less busy, It is the same with Charles Bridge—when is crowded it loses its charm. I really like Museum Kampa, if you are in to contemporary art. 

Filter: Where are your favorite hidden gems there?

Everywhere! I am saying it to every tourist that comes to onesip coffee: go to city center and just mess around, go and get lost on purpose… Every street goes to some tiny square, or to another street. Prague is build long time ago and very spontaneously, there are basically no 90 degree streets like you know from US. I am still finding new corners and lanes that I did not know before…

Filter: What's your favorite Prague coffee shop besides onesip?

I would say Kafemat. That place has no social media, because never needed… It is proper neighborhood espresso bar, with one of the best espressos that you can taste, from the best roasters in Europe. I would say, “No bullsh-t, just great coffee and small talks at its best.” I admire these guys a lot. 

Filter: What do you enjoy about living in Prague?

Prague is great place to live these days… It is not that big, it is still quite cheap, very safe, and well located: 2-3 hours drive any direction and you are in different country.

It is great combination between Eastern Slavic Europe and western part of Europe. I like it, it is still pretty “punk rock, but with some structure.” Also, Prague is metropolitan city, but not that much like Berlin/Paris/London, it is still pretty Czech. I mean it doesn’t lost its true Czech soul, I feel this lack of originality/ authenticity nowadays in bigger Western cities.

Filter: If you could move to any place in the world just for the coffee scene, where would you move?

I must say, I would rather stay in Prague than move to another place just because of coffee scene, Czech scene (in general) is amazing. But if I have to, I would probably move to Copenhagen to Denmark, I think. Coffee Collective—these guys are [epitome] how the coffee business should be done, that would be great experience for the future. Also I really like the city, there is everything I like, colder weather, sea and strong food scene…

onesip coffee operates 2 locations in Prague, Czech Republic.

onesip coffee - Hastalská

onesip coffee - Mánesova

Food & Beverage

Nhà hai hành




Jazz Dock

U Malého Glena


Vltava River

Slapy dam


Prague Castle

Charles Bridge


Museum Kampa


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