Do as the Romans do 🇮🇹

In its first month, Filter has featured two cities twice: Sydney, and now Rome. One of the most storied cities in our world, Rome is too much for any one travel guide to say what The Best is. Instead, these now two Filter guides to Rome offer individual insights into yet-unknown places & pleasures enjoyed by baristas who actually live there. There’s some overlap, and a lot different; Rome is a big place.

Today’s barista and guide is Daniele Deidda, who works at Pergamino Caffè, a small multi-roaster shop which sits several meters outside the Vatican. Born and raised in Rome, Daniele shows us around the old little streets he’s grown up loving.

Born and raised in Rome, Daniele Deidda works at Pergamino Caffè, a small multi-roaster shop just steps outside the Vatican.

Photos courtesy of Daniele Deidda

Filter: What do you like to do for fun around Rome?

When I have free time I like to go and listen to good live music, if there is good beer or cocktails even better! During the day I like to walk around without a landmark and keep discovering new things from places to cafes and bakeries.

My favourite places are: Traffic for listening to good music; for good drinks I often go to Blind Pig or Vigneto. While when I want a good bakery I often go to Grani e Farine, Briciole, or Marigold.

Rome has a magical atmosphere and it is palpable for anyone who comes here. I recommend, as much as possible, to walk around and discover it slowly in all its corners because in the most hidden corner there could be a hidden treasure!

Filter: If a good friend from overseas came to visit, where would you be sure to take them?

I would certainly advise him to visit the Colosseum from the inside, take a nice walk in the evening along the Tiber, go for a drink at Campo de Fiori and walk to Pizza Trilussa. You can stop by Ma Che Siete Venuti A Fà and choose a good craft beer from the many international offerings, or keep strolling and go to Drink Kong, an exceptional cocktail bar.

Photo courtesy of Daniele Deidda

Filter: What do you like to do to escape the city?

In Lazio there is the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, a park full of nature and beautiful landscapes where you can get lost for a day or more if you like trekking and nature walks. Otherwise, there are very typical villages where you can spend a quiet day and eat really well, for example Nemi, Ariccia, or Calcata.

Filter: What well-known touristy things in Rome are worth the hype?

Not only Rome is full of culture, there are also very interesting places just outside Rome such as the Villa d'Este in Tivoli, or the famous waterfall of Isola del Liri in Frosinone, the Lake of Castel Gandolfo and many historical villages such as Civita di Bagnoregio.

Filter: Where are your favorite quiet corners there?

My favourite spots are the Aqueducts Park, which is part of the Appia Antica regional park, a wonderful place within Rome. A special place is the Giardinetto del Monte Oppio, a small triangle of green where in the evening you have a very special and romantic view of the Colosseum. But fortunately Rome is full of magical places, you cannot miss the Pincio, Piazza Trilussa, Villa Torlonia, the Coppedè district and many others…

The Aqueducts Park is close to my house and I often stop there to exercise or just to read a book in peace. For the other places I recommend you enjoy the view and the vibe of the place.

Filter: What's one other coffee shop around there that you really admire?

One of the cafés in Rome that I appreciate is Marigold, in the Ostiense area. I like their international atmosphere and the kind of soft welcome they have for their customers with their inimitable sweets.

Filter: What makes Rome feel most like home to you?

Rome is home for me because every street I walk down or every place, rekindles in me a memory of my youth, the many experiences I have had always come close to a place in Rome. And every time I retrace those streets or those hidden little streets the memories resurface. It is a continuous journey between past and present.

I was born in Rome, I have been living in this city for 35 years. Even though I come from the suburbs it is nice to be born and grow up in a city that has so much importance—at the same time it is difficult to understand and often see the discomfort that can be created in such a large city. Certainly in recent years there has been a decline due to the lack of care and interest on the part of those whose institutional task it is to elevate this city. It makes us Romans very sad.

Filter: Can you share about your role at Pergamino?

I have been working in the catering field for more than 15 years, I have been at Pergamino for just over three years. It is a magical place, a small corner of coffee in the district of Prati, a historic district of Rome. I like the concept of the Pergamino, that is to collaborate with the whole community, from Italian roasters to foreigners. This gives us the opportunity to taste many coffees with many different stories united by the many different stories of the roasters, in addition to the many international clientele that comes to visit us and there is a great breath of internationality. It's very inspiring.

Filter: What has it been like to work in coffee in a region and nation that is so historically defined by its old espresso tradition?

Working in bars in Rome gives you a lot of training at a professional and human level, going from a classic bar to a specialty cafeteria like Pergamino is a great leap in quality. But as we all know, the bad tradition we have here in Italy often hinders us in our work of dissemination, with the most traditionalist customers. In recent years, however, there has been a change of direction and a greater interest in what is the concept of coffee and its history.

Filter: If you could move to any place in the world just for the coffee scene, where would you move?

In recent years I have rediscovered the mountains a lot and I like nature, I believe that Norway is a place where I could feel comfortable. There is a cafeteria, Tim Wendelboe, that I really appreciate and I would like to know and live more personally.


Pergamino Caffè is located steps outside Vatican City.

Food & Beverage


Blind Pig


Grani e Farine



Campo de Fiori

Pizza Trilussa

Ma Che Siete Venuti A Fà

Drink Kong




Historical Sites & Museums


Villa d'Este in Tivoli


National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise

Isola del Liri in Frosinone

Lake of Castel Gandolfo

Aqueducts Park

Appia Antica regional park

Giardinetto del Monte Oppio


Piazza Trilussa

Villa Torlonia


Coppedè district



Day Trips

Civita di Bagnoregio


Slow-paced Cyprus: By bike, car, and trail


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