Shibuya & sumo wrestling: Tokyo with Coffee Supreme 🇯🇵

Coffee Supreme started in New Zealand and has since expanded to Australia and Japan. This Filter guide to Tokyo is from the point of view of Hiroki Matsumoto, who runs Coffee Supreme’s Tokyo operation, and Yuka, who fills a variety of roles in addition to PR. Originally from Tokyo and Fukuoka to the south of Japan, respectively, Hiroki and Yuka’s guide to Tokyo takes us along the Sumida River, through the old districts, to their favorite spots across the city.

Photos courtesy of Coffee Supreme Japan

Filter: What do you do for fun around Tokyo?

Hiroki: Back in the day, I used to vibe with West Tokyo (Shibuya and all that jazz), but these days, I'm all about East Tokyo. Love wandering the streets, stumbling upon hidden gems.

Yuka: Can't beat a good old-fashioned meal at a local diner or digging into some authentic Japanese grub at a neighborhood joint. That atmosphere hits different.

Filter: If a good friend came to visit, where would you be sure to take them?

Hiroki: Lately, I've been leaning towards East Tokyo. There's this spot called "Daikichi," a killer joint for some Western comfort food. Got that local charm that's hard to beat.

Yuka: Since I live in Ryogoku, I'd definitely take them to the Ryogoku Kokugikan to catch some sumo wrestling. It's intense and awe-inspiring. And then, we'd feast on some “chanko" hot pot.

Filter: What do you like to do to escape the city?

Hiroki: I'm all about hitting the hot springs. Just zoning out in a steaming bath, no thoughts, pure bliss.

Yuka: Heading out to the countryside to breathe in that fresh, clean air!

Filter: What touristy things in Tokyo are worth the hype?

Hiroki: Shibuya's always buzzing if you're into that touristy vibe, right?

Yuka: Shibuya or Asakusa, maybe. That quintessential Tokyo vibe, you know?

Filter: Where are your favorite quiet corners or hidden gems there?

Hiroki: Meiji Shrine near Coffee Supreme Shibuya is my jam, especially when I need some peace and quiet.

Yuka: Along the Sumida River is perfect for walks or bike rides.  And if you're into greenery, the Imperial Palace area is a must-see!

Filter: What's another coffee shop around there that you really admire, and what about them stands out to you?

Hiroki: Legal Coffee in Hatagaya is solid. Started by one of our former staff, it's got such a great vibe and hospitality.

Yuka: Though it's a chain, I'm loving Komeda Coffee lately. Their morning sets with coffee, toast, and eggs are the bomb!

Filter: What makes Tokyo feel like home to you? Why do you think that is?

Hiroki: Being a Tokyo native, I thrive on the hustle and bustle, the crowds, the neon lights. It's like being in a different dimension, and I dig it.

Filter: How did you end up in the Tokyo coffee scene?

Hiroki: I'm born and bred in Tokyo, so I guess I'm pretty tied to the place when it comes to coffee.

Yuka: I'm originally from Fukuoka. Came to Tokyo due to my parents' relocation, and got into the scene around 19 when I met Hiroki-san.

Filter: Can you share about your roles at Coffee Supreme?

Hiroki: I wear many hats. From crunching numbers to brainstorming new products and managing the team, I'm on it.

Filter: I'm behind the bar, do event setups, work on food development, handle online orders, PR, you name it. The best part? Hearing those two magic words: "Thank you.”

Filter: If you could move to any place in the world just for the coffee scene, where would you move?

Hiroki: New York City! Just wanna stroll the streets with a cup of joe in hand!

Yuka: New Zealand. It's where Coffee Supreme started, you know?

Filter: Anything you’d like to add?

Hiroki: I've always been into music, movies, art, and street culture. So, blending coffee with culture is my jam. Oh, and, you know, in the geek circles of the US band Dinosaur Jr, I might have a bit of a following, haha.

Yuka: Swing by Coffee Supreme in Japan, chat with our awesome staff, and enjoy your coffee with a smile! Cheers!

Started in New Zealand, Coffee Supreme has 2 locations in Tokyo, Japan, in addition to Australia.

Coffee Supreme - Tsujido

Coffee Supreme - Shibuya

Food & Beverage


Legal Coffee

Komeda Coffee

Sumo wrestling

Ryogoku Kokugikan







Sumida River

Temples & Palaces

Meiji Shrine

Imperial Palace


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