Amsterdam: A city guide from Back to Black 🇳🇱

Amsterdam is one of the leading cities for coffee and for the past decade its list of prestigious shops has included Back to Black, co-founded by Inge Bulthuis in 2014. As head barista, Inge has helped expand Back to Black to a second coffee bar, a roastery, and bakery. In a city where competition in coffee is fierce, it’s this eye for quality that makes Inge’s brief travel guide to Amsterdam so valuable.

Ten years ago Inge Bulthuis co-founded Back to Black in Amsterdam, which has since grown to a roastery, bakery, and two coffee bars. Photos courtesy of Back to Black

Ten years ago Inge Bulthuis co-founded Back to Black in Amsterdam, which has since grown to a roastery, bakery, and two coffee bars. Photos courtesy of Back to Black

Filter: What specifically do you like to do for fun around Amsterdam?

Sit on a terrace for example at the Ceuvel and try Amsterdamse Speciaal biertjes :) 

Filter: If a good friend came to visit, where would you be sure to take them?

I would take my friends to nice places around my house which are Oficina for lunch, Bar Centraal for a nice wine on the terrace and some snacks, Bar Kaufmann for dinner and more drinks.   

Filter: What do you like to do to escape the city?

Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen to check out the beautiful nature and fallow deer.

Back to Black coffee shop interior in Amsterdam

Filter: What touristy things in Amsterdam are worth the hype?

Rent a boat and cruise in the canals.

Filter: Where are your favorite green spaces there?

Geitenboerderij in the Amsterdam forest.

Filter: What's another coffee shop around there that you really admire, and what about them stands out to you?

YUSU is a specialty coffee place in which the YUSU team makes an effort that everyone feels welcome and at home. They try, in their own way, to contribute to a more progressive society, in which everyone is equal and no one is discriminated against.

Filter: What makes Amsterdam feel like home to you?

Like-minded people. 

Filter: How did you end up in the Amsterdam coffee scene?

I’m from the countryside but the diversity in Amsterdam attracted me. Ten years ago when we started Back to Black, Amsterdam was in my opinion the best spot to open a specialty coffee bar because at that time you could find already a lot of people in Amsterdam who appreciate specialty coffee. 

Filter: Can you share about your role at back to black?

I’m one of the founders. It’s rewarding to see that customers appreciate that we worked hard to create a place with good vibes and quality products. 

Filter: If you could move to any place in the world just for the coffee scene, where would you move, and what shop would be the biggest reason?

Portland because I think I will be super inspired by what that city and its coffee scene has to offer, but I don’t have a specific shop in mind. I do like Dark Arts in London a lot though :)

Back to Black operates 2 coffeebars, a roastery, and a bakery in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Back to Black - Weteringstraat

Back to Black - Van Hallstraat

Back to Black - Bakery & Roastery

Food & Beverage



Bar Centraal

Bar Kaufmann


Parks & Outdoors

Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen



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